Tuesday, October 26, 2010

halloween: nerd costume

I said I wasn't going to but I was looking at other halloween tutorials and I thought what the heck? It seems fun and may inspire a few plus it'll help me make my mind up about what I want to be. Girls my age don't really go all out for halloween, they prefer to wear little dresses and a pair of devil horns (and like magic its a costume). I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that because I understand not wanting to wrap your entire body with toilet paper or throwing a sheet over your head. It's a little late but here goes nothing.

for your hair, keep it simple and little girl-ish. I would suggest low or high pigtails, loose braids either side or a messy bun and shove a couple coloured pencils in there

keep make-up natural and light because nerds aren't very vampy. So natural base make-up, a little eyeshadow, liner, mascara and blush. Keep lips pink and pretty or if you want a nice red lip would look super cute, not exactly nerd-ish but still, its halloween.

Wear like one of your dads old dress shirts over a singlet or get a cheap star wars t-shirt. With your shirt wear a tie or bow tie. As for bottoms wear high-waisted shorts or jeans. Another thing you could wear is a skirt, plain or plaid. Then wear thick white knee-high socks with any black shoes, converse, flats, heels. Then the final touch buy some of those geeky glasses that are like ray bans with clear lenses. If you don't want to spend the money then just get some cheap black sunglasses and poke the lenses out.

For extra things to add to your costume, you could carry around a like action figure lunchbox to collect candy in. You could also buy some suspenders to wear with your costume and even a little sign taped to your back that says 'kick me' or 'nerd'.

That is it, I hoped you enjoyed that. Tell me your ideas for halloween and request a few. I'm not exactly sure what other costumes I will be doing but I'd love to hear your ideas.


  1. Thats a really good idea! I'm gonna b that 4 Halloween this year!!!!!!!

    Thanks! :)

  2. that really helps my wild search!

    thank you<33

  3. yeah im so making my nerdy outfit look super hot!
