In complete summer mood right now listening to miami to ibiza by tinie tempah and swedish house mafia which has been a favourite song of mine for a while now. Thought I might post a few of my favourite tumblrs on here. I have been obsessed at looking at tumblrs and photography which just makes me even more excited for doing photography not next year but the year after at school. Anyway going to a rave tonight which I'm excited and then a party next weekend so pretty rowdy line up to kickstart holidays, I'm just kidding. But expect summer posts later like summer hair, summer music and summer make-up. I love you all very much and have great days. Also if you have a tumblr post it in the comments and I'll check it outtttt.
plus also this diet plan i have found and am willing to take part
and that is all
winter always makes me want summery things =]