love: flawless skin, natural perfect colour foundation that isn't heavy and looks like a second skin. hate: my skin when it breaks out and during the day gets uneven and my redness shows through. Also when you can feel foundation on your face and it feels thick.
love: neutral rose pink lips with clear gloss. tinted lipbalmshate: lip plumpers that burn your lips. I know they're supposed to but when your lips feel like they're on fire.
love: for day I love neutral eyes with heaps of mascara for night I like semi-smokey brown eyes with mascara and pop of colour because I have green eyes I use purple.hate: how some lucky people can line around their whole eyes including waterline and it looks amazing like my best friend taylor who looks great but when I do it, it smudges and my eyes look teeny weeny compared to the rest of my face. its unfair. hahahahaha
hate: when my hair is frizzy, dandruff or greasy and doesn't want to do anything
hate: when something is the 'it' thing and I save up and buy it and then everyone is like 'errgh that is so 5 minutes ago' though this has told me not to always stick to the trends.
love: shiny glossy hair that cooperates with me. Lots of volumehate: when my hair is frizzy, dandruff or greasy and doesn't want to do anything
love: when people are adventurous and look amazing without having to but high end stuffhate: when something is the 'it' thing and I save up and buy it and then everyone is like 'errgh that is so 5 minutes ago' though this has told me not to always stick to the trends.
nice post girl!